Office for National Statistics: UK Employment Rate
The Labour Force Survey (LFS), the biggest household survey in the UK, provided the information used in this bulletin. Our LFS Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) report provide further quality and methodology information on strengths, limits, appropriate uses, and how the data were created. Data on response rates and other quality-related issues for the LFS are provided in the LFS performance and quality monitoring and UK employment rate reports.
To account for divergent trends during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, LFS answers published after July 15, 2021, have been reweighted to new populations using growth rates from HM Revenue and Customs' (HMRC) Real Time Information (RTI). The reweighting process, which provides better estimates of both rates and levels, is described in our Impact of reweighting on Labour Force Survey main indicators, UK: 2020 article. There was a tiny inaccuracy in the computation of the growth rates when the most recent weighting methodology for LFS was utilized. Most of the time, the influence on national LFS economic activity estimates is less than 0.1%, and it seldom affects rates by more than 0.02 percentage points. We want to use RTI data to reweight the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Annual Population Survey (APS) datasets that contain information from March 2020. The initial reweighted LFS estimates will be made available in the June Labour Market report. On May 23, we intend to publish an article with rough impact estimates and a more thorough reweighting timeframe.
Accessing our published spreadsheets
In order to increase usability, accessibility, and machine readability of our published data, we will be revising our published tables over the coming months in accordance with the Government Statistical Service's (GSS) guidance on releasing statistics in spreadsheets. We'll be providing example versions of a few of our tables in the new forms to assist users in making the switch, and when it makes sense, we'll first publish the tables in both the new and old formats.
Discussion of release procedures of the uk employment rate
The Office for Statistics Regulation's (OSR) consultation on release procedures is now complete. In a statement on the ONS's reaction to the OSR's proposals, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) expressed its appreciation for the findings and noted in particular that the release-time exemptions, which were granted during the pandemic, are now included in the updated Code of Practice. Thus, the Labor Market Bulletin will continue to be released every month at 7 AM.
User engagement with labor market data
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) has been modified during the past few years by the ONS employing a multimodal first-online method to data collecting. The ONS is now in a position to start working toward merging the modified LFS data into the regular labour market data releases thanks to recent advancements, notably the addition of the ability to reply by phone.
From July 1971 through July 2022, the employment rate in the UK
Employment rate characteristic Jul 22 75. 4%, Jun 22 75. 5%, April 22 75. 6%, May 22 75. 9%, Mar 22 75. 6%, Feb 22 75. 5%, Jan 22 75. 4%, Dec 21 75. 5%, Nov 21 75. 4%, Oct 21 75. 4%, Sep 21 75. 3%, Aug 21 75. 2%, Jul 21 75. 1%.
The COVID-19 coronavirus and labor market measurement
Recent projections from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) are based on interviews conducted between March and May 2022. Before this time, several of the government's lockdown limitations had loosened, notably the termination of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). Since face-to-face interviews had to be suspended due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), we had to adjust the LFS's operational procedures and switch to a telephone-based method. According to Coronavirus and its impact on the Labour Force Survey, this resulted in an elevated non-response bias in the survey, which was largely offset by the introduction of housing tenure-based weights in the survey in October 2020. However, it was recognised that additional work on improvement was needed to address the rise in non-response from people who were born outside of the UK or who did not have British identity. A new weighting mechanism was as a result introduced in July 2021. Impact of reweighting on Labour Force Survey Key Indicators, UK: 2020 contains more information.Using revised Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) data, Labour Force Survey estimates for periods from January to March 2020 will be reweighted starting on June 14, 2022. This applies growth rates from PAYE RTI data in the same way that was put into place in July 2021. The non-response bias adjustment, which had previously been used for data from England, Wales, and Scotland, is now also used for data from Northern Ireland. Our article on the impact of reweighting on key variables from the Labour Force Survey in 2022 describes the effect and provides a more thorough reweighting schedule. We estimate significant LFS indicators using both the old and new population weights in our dataset X08: Impact of LFS Reweighting on Key Labour Force Survey Indicators, along with the revisions between the two series. This release's estimations are all based on the new approach.
The key metrics and changes from March to May 2022
It illustrates estimates for the period from March to May 2022, which show a decline in economic inactivity and unemployment rates and a corresponding rise in the employment rate. Seasonally adjusted employment, unemployment, and economic inactivity rates for the UK from March to May 2007 through March to May 2022. The employment rate decreased and the rates of economic inactivity and unemployment rose for both men and women during the first year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, the unemployment rate has now risen to levels close to those before the coronavirus pandemic for both men and women. Men and women both contributed to the rise in employment rates and the decline in inactivity rates over the most recent three-month period (March to May 2022), while men accounted for the majority of the decline in the unemployment rate.
The inactivity rates for both men and women have dropped over the past three months after increasing during the first year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic
Seasonally adjusted UK economic status rates by sex, total change from December 2019 to February 2020, for each period up to March to May 2022. The inactivity rates for both men and women have dropped over the past three months after increasing during the first year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. The employment rate increased in early 2012 before declining once the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic began. Since the end of 2020, there has been an uptick, nevertheless. Over the past three months, there has been a rise in the number of full-time employees (to a record high). The last three-month period saw an increase in part-time workers as well, continuing to show improvement from the steep declines experienced during the early phases of the coronavirus epidemic. The number of independent contractors decreased throughout the first year of the coronavirus pandemic and has remained low, despite a rise over the past three months. The number of part-time self-employed increased, which was mainly counterbalanced by a decline in the number of full-time self-employed.
After falling in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, the average actual weekly hours worked have now returned to levels similar to those seen before the coronavirus pandemic, with the average hours worked by part-time workers 0. 3 hours above their pre-coronavirus pandemic levels. As a result, the decrease in employment is to blame for the decrease in total hours compared to pre-coronavirus pandemic levels.
The influence of the economically active population on the UK employment rate
UK unemployment rate should decrease. The type of work depends on the age group. Those people who are actively seeking work will definitely find appropriate one.